
Maintaining all of our bots is extremely time consuming, whilst website and server costs are very expensive.
Please consider donating for a license to help further our development, cover server costs and support the team!
Please see the current supporting offers below.

Support us today and enjoy the benefits !

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Get premium support over dedicated forum and Discord lounge
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Unlimited tokens by user and by game

Important notes - read before donating

  • A token is valid for one (1) game and one (1) machine (computer or VPS) only
  • You can unlink a token from a machine as many times as you want (∞) here
  • You can run an unlimited (∞) number of instances while they run on the same machine, even with the same token
  • The donation is relative in time, the necessary updates will be made so the program is ready for the latest version of the game, there will be no pauses in the donation time. Any doubts, go to our discord.

Free Token

Want to test our bots? This free token allows you to use most features, with some limitations. Maximum one token by user and by game.

MultiBotRun 2024 - All Rights Reserved